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See how much you could save on a degree program when you knock out gen ed courses with Sophia.
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See how much you could save on a degree program when you knock out gen ed courses with Sophia.
First, does your transfer institution operate on the quarter or the semester system?
Select the courses you’re interested in
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See how much you may be able to save with Sophia
How many weeks do you expect it will take you to complete each course?
See how much you may be able to save with Sophia
How many courses do you plan to take at a time?
See how much you may be able to save with Sophia
These numbers are only estimates based on your inputs into the tool. The accuracy of your estimate is dependent on the inputs. Your estimate is based on the cost of Sophia’s $99 monthly membership. Your actual savings may vary depending on, among other things, the number of courses you take, how long you take to complete, which membership plan you select, and the actual cost of your institution's credits.
You've estimated 4 weeks per course and 2 courses at a time.