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Online humanities courses

Explore courses in the humanities and more

Help satisfy your general education requirements by enrolling in a humanities course from Sophia. For only $99 a month, complete as many courses as you want, taking up to two at a time. 

Sophia students have successfully completed more than 37,000 Humanities courses.

Sophia students take an average of 22 days to complete a Humanities course. 

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  • Take the first Challenge of any course
  • Go at your own pace
  • Access anytime, anywhere
  • Confirm your completed courses will transfer

*All fields are required.

Earn college-level credit at your pace with Sophia

Online and on demand. Earn college-level credit at your own pace and without breaking the bank. With Sophia, you can help put your degree – and your life – on the fast track to success.

Inside the Sophia courseroom

Sophia has nailed down an engaging online teaching method that I managed to pass 100%, the site is pleasant to look at, the material is vastly more in-depth and challenging and their method makes it impossible not to learn.

Michaela L. 

Partner university student