Taking college classes in high school can provide a significant advantage, offering you a head start on your higher education journey. From earning college credit early to experiencing the rigor of college coursework, there are numerous benefits for your college and professional careers.
But how do you navigate the process, and what should you consider before diving in? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you understand your options and make informed decisions about your (or your child’s) future.
Can You Take College Classes in High School?
Yes, high school students can take college classes through various programs and pathways. These opportunities offer a head start on earning college credit, which can save you time and money in the long run.
Here are some options to take college classes in high school:
College Level Examination Program
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) allows you to “test out” of college courses by demonstrating your knowledge in specific subjects. CLEP exams are flexible and can be taken on your own schedule, offering a cost-effective way to earn credits while balancing your high school responsibilities.
Dual Enrollment Programs
You can enroll in college-level courses through partnerships between high schools and local colleges. These programs allow you to take classes that count toward both your high school and college credit requirements, giving you a head start on college degree programs.
Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are high school classes that are designed to prepare you for the rigors of college-level coursework. After the course, you have to take and pass the AP exam to earn college credits. While AP classes themselves are not college courses, earning a qualifying score (which can vary by school) can translate into college credit.
Summer College Classes
Many colleges offer summer sessions that are open to high school students to earn college credits. These courses are an excellent way to stay academically engaged during the break and make good use of the time without overwhelming yourself with both high school and college courses during the school year.
Online College Credit Courses
For students with a packed schedule of classes, extracurricular activities, and other responsibilities, or students with limited access to on-campus programs, online courses offer a flexible alternative for transferable credits. These courses can be taken from accredited institutions or online learning platforms and may be open to high school students, so you can complete college-level coursework at your convenience.
How to Take College Classes in High School
Identify Your Goals
Are you looking to reduce your future college costs for your degree? Explore a field before committing to a major? Transfer credits to a particular school or program? Understanding your goals can help you choose the best options for your college plan.
Evaluate Your Schedule
Consider the time commitment required for college courses, which are more rigorous than high school courses. Balancing high school responsibilities like classes, sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities alongside your college courses can be challenging. You don't want to sacrifice good grades in your high school courses as you strive to earn college credit.
Research Your Options
Speak with your high school guidance counselor or advisor about available programs like CLEP, dual enrollment, or AP courses. Consider online courses that offer college credits for high school students.
Choose the Right Courses
Starting with general education courses can be a smart decision. These courses are similar across institutions and cover broad subject areas that are required for most degree programs, so they’re often more transferable to other colleges and universities. However, you should speak to the admissions counselor or advisor at your preferred school to understand the transfer credit policy.
Prepare for the Challenge
College courses often demand more time and effort than standard high school classes. Make sure you’re prepared to adapt to a faster-paced learning environment, a larger workload, and more academic challenges than you may be used to.
Benefits of Taking College Classes in High School
There are many advantages to getting a jump start on college courses while you’re still in high school, including:
- Save time and money: You can earn college credits before graduating high school, potentially reducing the number of courses – and the time and money you need to invest – for your degree program.
- Experience college-level rigor: Taking college courses early can develop critical thinking and study skills that will prepare you for future academic success in college.
- Explore career interests early: You can dive into subjects that interest you or identify potential career paths to have a solid plan before choosing a major.
- Enhance your college application: Colleges want to take students with a high likelihood of success. Demonstrating your ability to succeed in college courses can make you a more competitive applicant.
Tips for Taking College Classes in High School
- Consult your guidance counselor: They can help you understand your options and ensure the courses align with your goals.
- Start with general education courses: These are often easier to transfer to other institutions. They’re also more versatile if you choose a different major.
- Balance your workload: Prioritize time management to avoid feeling overwhelmed by your commitments.
- Research transfer policies: If you plan to transfer credits, ensure that the courses meet the requirements of your preferred institution.
Explore College-Level Courses at Sophia
Taking college classes in high school is a valuable step toward your academic future. Sophia offers college-level courses in gen ed subjects that are designed to transfer to one of our 60+ partner schools. Explore your options and start with a free trial from Sophia!